Yale Whistleblower Reveals Shocking Information From Inside Hospital on COVID!

Yale New Haven Hospital Q&A with healthcare workers. Rules for the, not for me!

Yale New Haven Hospital Dashboard

As you look at the dash board you can see how the numbers go from several hundred patients to over a thousand for general admission. You can also see that COVID positive patients go up as well in both general care as well as the ICU. You can also see that vaccinated patients also rise. Why? What happened to make the numbers rise so quickly? They are not listed as COVID, is it the vaccine? Reports are coming in from nurses who say they are seeing a large increase in neurological disorders, strokes, and cardiac issues in patients who have been vaccinated 3 to four months ago.

Yale set up a long haul COVID ward for children. NBC news reported the story on June 2nd, 2021,

“Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital is launching a program to help children with long-term COVID-19 symptoms continue on the road to recovery. It’s based at the Pediatric Specialty Center at the children’s hospital.

Dr. Elijah Paintsil specializes in pediatric infectious disease there. He says this all came together after hearing from families with treatment questions about long-term COVID-19 symptoms.

“Some of them cannot go to sleep, some of them cannot concentrate on work at school, some of them cannot play sports,” Paintsil said.”

COVID vaccine were approved for children 12 and up on May 10, 2021. According to the FDA press release,

“Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration expanded the emergency use authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for the prevention of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) to include adolescents 12 through 15 years of age.”

Yale Insider reports that the ward is full of vaccinated kids experiencing reactions to the jab.

Interestingly Yale is also conducting a study using vaccines for long COVID. In April of 2021, Yale Medicine reported,

Akiko Iwasaki, PhD, professor of immunobiology at Yale School of Medicine, and a major contributor to the existing body of COVID-19 research, is among those now focused on generating hard data on vaccinated “long-haulers” to help answer these questions. She is currently working with other scientists to launch what she predicts will be a large collaborative study at Yale. Key members include Harlan Krumholz, MDWade Schulz, MD, PhD Aaron Ring, MD, PhD; and Charles Dela Cruz, MD, PhD.

Iwasaki recommends long-haulers get vaccinated like everyone else. So far, reports show about 10-15% percent of long-haulers feel worse after vaccination, and there are a number who don’t notice any change at all. But even if the vaccine isn’t helping everyone with long-term symptoms, it seems to be making a number of them feel better.  

In addition, vaccines will protect long-haulers from reinfection by the virus. “That’s exciting news, and I want to learn more about why that’s happening. There are currently no treatments for long-haulers so any insight would be helpful,” Iwasaki says.”

Screen Shots from Yale New Haven Q & A with healthcare workers.

Screen shot From Meeting Inside Yale New Haven Hospital

Yale New Haven Hospital internal letters to staff on COVID policy.


NBC News


FDA Press Release

