Freedom Convoy In CT

On a chilly Wednesday in March, hundreds of people gathered at an overpass next to Cadillac Ranch in Southington, CT. People met up at chosen locations throughout the state to cheer on the Freedom Convoy as it drove by on its way to Washington D.C. There were mothers, fathers, grandmas, and grandpas too. Smiling children were abundant. Against the clear blue skies, numerous American flags waved in the wind. They came together to stand for...

Connecticut and The Great Reset: Part 2

What role does CT play in The Fourth Industrial Revolution? Why was Lamont in Israel? Mental health clinics in public school? Connecticut and The Great ResetConnecticut and The Great ResetPlay EpisodePause EpisodeMute/Unmute EpisodeRewind 10 Seconds1xFast Forward 30 seconds00:00/1:23:58SubscribeShareRSS FeedShareLinkEmbed Show Notes The Great Narrative  Lamont Israel Mental Health Bills CGA Climate credits ...

Two Mental Health Bills On The Agenda In Hartford

While the public is sequestered to the first floor of the Legislative Office Building, and hearings are now on Zoom for who knows how long due to the government's COVID policies. Connecticut legislators have been free to legislate over citizen's lives behind closed doors. According to House Speaker, Representative Matt Ritter, they can get a lot done this way! When the people are limited to Zoom hearings, with rule changes, and technical...

Connecticut and the Great Reset: Part 1 Meet Senate Majority Leader, Senator Bob Duff! Connecticut is quite friendly to biotech, fintech, and venture capitalism! Show Notes Klaus Schwab

Corruption Connecticut Style

To fix the problem we must first know what it is. Corruption is twisted tale in the State of Connecticut. This is Representative Matthew Ritter of the 1st district of CT. He is also the House Speaker. Ritter comes from a very connected political family. His father, Thomas D. Ritter,  a lawyer, lobbyist, and career politician who rose to be the Speaker of the House in Connecticut from 1993-1999. From Wikipedia: Thomas D. Ritter is currently...

Music Unmasked!

The whole world has gone mad, mad with the rona! Masks, lockdowns, now vaccines! What we need now more than ever is music, unrestrained, unmasked, and free! SIINDICATE

Yale New Haven Insider Exposes Doctors’ Misinformation

Yale is a famous institution with a renowned hospital known for the discovery of innovative medical practices that have saved lives and bettered humanity. However, Yale also has a dark history. From the Skull and Bones secret society of elites, to its founder being a racist slave trader. Yale University, named after Elihu Yale, the President of the East India Company in St George, India, was a slave owner and trader. A famous painting that...

Yale Whistleblower Reveals Shocking Information From Inside Hospital on COVID!

Yale New Haven Hospital Q&A with healthcare workers. Rules for the, not for me! Yale New Haven Hospital Dashboard As you look at the dash board you can see how the numbers go from several hundred patients to over a thousand for general admission. You can also see that COVID positive patients go up as well in both general care as well as the ICU. You can also see that vaccinated patients also rise. Why? What happened to make the numbers rise...

When Anecdotes and Arrogance Rule!

The people elect leaders to represent them, they expect their elected representatives to adhere to the common law of the land, The United States Constitution, and The Bill of Rights. What happens when arrogance pervades the law? Show Notes Governor Lamont and the Lost Constitution State  Masking Test Recall Uighurs/Uyghurs  Opt Out Of WiZ